Todo List

Class OSB_GUI::CmbGlAccount
Suppport AccountType.

Member OSB_GUI::CmbRfType::populate ()
Get entries from database (via ListMgr).

Member OSB_GUI::CmbTon::populate ()
Get entries from database (via ListMgr).

Member OSB_GUI::CmbUnits::populate ()
Provide call-back functionality so that the caller can filter? Or separate function taking a STL container?

Class OSB_GUI::DlgRpConfig
rated party must be unique by usage type (network, element). This is requires that the applicable RpEvalList is passed as argument to exec().
At the same time this allows that the dialog exclusively deals with adding a rating configuration.

Member OSB_GUI::DlgRpConfig::creRpEval ()
Avoid duplicates NW, Usage, RP?

Class OSB_GUI::MonthDays
Allow for some more parametrization: colors, show current and selected date, allow selection ...

Class OaGlobals
If we accumulate too many lists we should consider to hold static pointers to these lists and provide (static) functions returning references to the (possibly allocated) lists.

Class OSB_GUI::PopupMover
Provide functionality to keep the widget inside the screen.

Member OSB_GUI::SelectSe::setSeId (const OSB_LIB::ServiceElement::Oid &seId)
ToDo: If not set, the selection is cleared.

Class OSB_GUI::TfRfItem
Own header together with other RF items?

Generated on Sat Sep 2 14:17:37 2006 for OSB Library by  doxygen 1.4.7