OSB, Object-oriented Scalable Billing, provides an open-source rating and billing engine for communication networks.
The source code is released under a
GPL license.
Download the lastest OSB release from here.
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18-Aug-06 | Version OSB_060808 is released. The new CORBA application request server is the centralized processor of contract status changes and responsible for provisioning of subscriptions to the network. |
03-Mar-06 | Version OSB_060313 is released. For each call scenario the parties to be rated can be configured in a new console of osbadmin. |
24-Nov-05 | Version OSB_051124 is released. osbadmin now provides full support for record file management and call accounting. |
11-Aug-05 | Version OSB_050811 is released. The new GUI application osbadmin provides a framework that allows to plug–in arbitrary management consoles. |
27-Apr-05 | Version OSB_050427 is released. The rating engine was redesigned for seamless integration with external systems: it is now decoupled from contracts and subscribed product. |
03-Dec-04 | The documentation for the whole source code has been released. The documentation as generated by doxygen is available online. Please contact broeni@osb-systems.com for the full source code. |
30-Nov-04 | The Qt based TA (tariff administration) is finished. It replaces the WEB based application and the CORBA server. |
OSB is a suite of batch, GUI and WEB and utility applications running on Unix against an Oracle database server.
The core of the system is the object-oriented library which provides the functionality needed by the applications.
The WEB applications are run by Tomcat and rely on CORBA servers to maintain the data in the database.
Batch applications | |
conversion | Convert usage records as provided by the network into generic CDRs (Call Detail Record, OSB internal ASN.1 format). |
correlation | Assemble partial usage records or correlate records from one or several network elements into one OSB CDR. |
rating | Rate the usage records for each party that was involved in the network usage. |
storage | Store the rated CDR into the database. |
billing | Generate invoices in XML format for the rated network usage. |
request server | Centralized processing of contract status changes and provisioning of subscriptions to the network. |
GUI applications | |
osb admin | OSB administration framework: record stream management and miscellaneous configuration consoles. |
tariff admin | Configuration of tariff systems and management of their life cycle. |
WEB applications | |
contract admin | Customer, business partners administration, maintainance of contracts and subscriptions. |
network admin | Management of the network and network elements. |
product amdin | Configuration of products and pricelists. |
user admin | Administration of OSB application users and their access rights. |
OSB runs on Unix, for development Debian Linux is used. It depends on the following software packages:
g++ 4 | Runtime library and compiler for the core library, batch and GUI applications |
QT 3 | Runtime library for GUI applications |
ACE+TAO | Backbone of the WEB application CORBA servers |
Tomcat | JSP processor for the WEB applications |
OTL | C++ template framework to database API |
Oracle | Database server: any database server supported by OTL can be used |
This site is currently under construction and frequently changing.
The available documents may give you an idea about the concepts of OSB:
Object-oriented Scalable Billing.
Please feel free to forward any comments and questions to webmaster@osb-systems.com .
rating engine, billing engine, XML invoices, telecommunication, GSM, UMTS, VoIP, PSTN.