OSB Library File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
accessnumber.idl [code]This idl defines the access number interface
address.idl [code]This idl defines the address interface
anclist.idl [code]CORBA Interface for a list of associates and contracts
associate.idl [code]This idl defines the associate writer interface
balancesheet.idl [code]This idl defines the balancesheet interface
cadmin.idl [code]This idl declares the id structs and other entities that causes inter-locking dependencies in contract administration
chargetraits.idl [code]This idl defines the traits money amount
contract.idl [code]This idl defines the contract writer interface
contractadmin.idl [code]CORBA Interface for customer administration
corba_status.idl [code]Status of contract related entities
corba_utility.idl [code]CORBA declaration of structs, enums, consts and typedefs needed in the tariff system
device.idl [code]CORBA interface for Device
devicepart.idl [code]Device as part of a product
dvcrsrcmgr.idl [code]Interface to manage devices and resources
e164resource.idl [code]CORBA interface for E.164 resource
exception.idl [code]Definition of OsbCorbaException
inventorypool.idl [code]CORBA interface to inventory pool
ip4address.idl [code]This idl defines the IP4 address resource interface
ipgroup.idl [code]This idl defines the IP group resource interface
network.idl [code]This idl defines the network interface
networkelement.idl [code]This idl defines the network element interface
networkmanager.idl [code]This idl defines the network manager interface
nmanager.idl [code]This idl declares the id structs and other entities that causes inter-locking dependencies in network manager
numberanalyzer.idl [code]This idl defines the number analyzer interface
nwaddress.idl [code]CORBA support for network addresses
osbadmin.idl [code]CORBA interface OsbAdmin
osbmodule.idl [code]CORBA interface for OSB modules
osbuser.idl [code]CORBA interface to access and modify the user information
osbusermgr.idl [code]CORBA interface to manage the user privileges
osbusrgrp.idl [code]OSB user groups: access rights for one OSB module
persdevice.idl [code]Devices as part of pers. products
persproditem.idl [code]This idl defines the personalised product item interface
persprodnode.idl [code]This idl defines the personalised product node interface
persproduct.idl [code]This idl defines the personalised product interface
plpart.idl [code]CORBA interface for the pricelist product part
pricelist.idl [code]CORBA Interface for the Pricelist and PricelistCfg classes of the OSB_LIB
product.idl [code]CORBA Interface for the product related functions
productcatalogue.idl [code]CORBA interface for product catalogue related functions
productpart.idl [code]CORBA Interface for the product part and product part type related functions
reqserver.idl [code]CORBA interface to request handler
resfwd.idl [code]Forward declaration of resource interfaces
resource.idl [code]This idl defines the resource interface
service.idl [code]CORBA support for network services
servicepart.idl [code]CORBA interface for the service product part
tariffcatalogue.idl [code]CORBA Interface for the tariff catalouge related functions
tariffobject.idl [code]CORBA interface to commonly used tariff objects
trunkgroup.idl [code]This idl defines the trunk group interface
trunkresource.idl [code]This idl defines the trunk resource interface
tspart.idl [code]CORBA interface for the tariff system product part
uimcard.idl [code]CORBA interface for UimCard
utf8string.idl [code]Definition of Utf8String type

Generated on Sat Sep 2 14:25:45 2006 for OSB Library by  doxygen 1.4.7