OSB_LIB::Guard Class Reference

Collaboration diagram for OSB_LIB::Guard:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

Automatically perform actions when the object goes out of scope.

A guard is an object that automatically performs clean-up actions when it goes out of scope. When copying the responsibility to perform the clean-up actions is transferred to the target (left hand side) object. On assignment frist any pending clean-up actions are done and then the ownership for the clean-up actions is transferred.

Originally the class was designed to automatically unlock a Mutex. The introduction of Cleanup now allows for a much broader usage: Any actions needed when the guard goes out of scope can now be executed in Cleanup::cleanup().
Example to use a guard with a Mutex (MutexUnlock is derived from Cleanup):
      class Locker {
         // Initialize the unlock object:
         Locker() : unlock_(&mutex_);

         // Issue a guard:
         Guard mkGuard()
             bool locked = (0 == mutex_.trylock());
             Guard g(&unlock_, locked);
             return g;

         Mutex       mutex_;       // protecting mutex
         MutexUnlock unlock_;      // unlock the mutex

      void foo()
          Guard g = theLocker().mkGuard();
          if (g.isLoaded()) {
              // Save access to locked resource.
          else {
              // Error: can not lock resource.

Definition at line 105 of file guard.h.

Public Member Functions

Non-const construction:
The following constructor and conversion operator are used to achive the non-const copy construction Guard(Guard) by compiler generated conversions.

Private Attributes


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

OSB_LIB::Guard::Guard ( Cleanup pCleanup = 0,
bool  doClean = true 

Create a (empty) guard.

When used as default constructor, i.e., without providing an Cleanup object, the guard behaves as if it was in charge for the clean-up. This specification allows to test the correct usage of the guard when copied or assigned.

pCleanup Object to perform the clean-up actions, the guard does not take its ownership.
doClean Flag if clean-up actions are to be performed.
When working with mutexes, `doClean' should be set to true if caller of the guard constructor is owner of mutex lock, else false.

OSB_LIB::Guard::Guard ( Cleanup::AutoPtr  cleanup,
bool  doClean 

Create a guard, taking ownership of the Cleanup object.

cleanup Auto pointer to the Cleanup object, the guard takes ownership.
doClean Flag if clean-up actions are to be performed.
The argument `cleanup' may be an empty auto pointer.

When working with mutexes, `doClean' should be set to true if caller of the guard constructor is owner of mutex lock, else false.

OSB_LIB::Guard::~Guard (  ) 

The destructor performs the clean-up actions.

The destructor calls cleanup() to perform the clean-up actions and -if owned- deletes pCleanup_.

OSB_LIB::Guard::Guard ( Guard rhs  ) 

Non-const copy constructor.

Transfers the ownership of the clean-up actions and Cleanup object from `rhs'.

OSB_LIB::Guard::Guard ( GuardRef  r  ) 

Construct from a GuardRef.

Takes the ownership of the clean-up actions and the Cleanup object from `r'.

Member Function Documentation

std::pair<bool, int> OSB_LIB::Guard::cleanup (  ) 

Do the clean-up actions.

Calls pCleanup_->cleanup() if release() returns true and pCleanup_ is not NULL.

The first part of the return value is true if pCleanup_->cleanup() was called, else false.
The second part of the return value is the result of the cleanup action. It has no meaning if the first part is false.
The function always calls release() which means that any side effects of it apply to this member function as well.

bool OSB_LIB::Guard::isLoaded (  )  const [inline]

Object responsible for clean-up?

Definition at line 246 of file guard.h.

References doClean_.

OSB_LIB::Guard::operator GuardRef (  ) 

Convert to GuardRef.

Guard& OSB_LIB::Guard::operator= ( Guard  rhs  ) 

Non-const assignment operator.

First executes pending clean-up actions and -if owned- deletes pCleanup_. Then transfers the responsiblity to clean-up and the ownership of the Cleanup object from `rhs'.

bool OSB_LIB::Guard::release (  ) 

Release clean-up responsibility without calling pCleanup_->cleanup().

After the function is called, doClean_ is always false and the guard will no more dereference the Cleanup pointer to call its clean-up function.
True if the object was in charge for the clean-up before the function was called, else false.

Member Data Documentation

bool OSB_LIB::Guard::delCleanup_ [private]

Flag if the Cleanup object is owned by the guard.

Definition at line 284 of file guard.h.

bool OSB_LIB::Guard::doClean_ [private]

Clean-up to be done?

Definition at line 280 of file guard.h.

Referenced by isLoaded().

Cleanup* OSB_LIB::Guard::pCleanup_ [private]

Pointer to the cleanup object.

Definition at line 282 of file guard.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Sat Sep 2 14:11:18 2006 for OSB Library by  doxygen 1.4.7