See here for all namespaces.
typedef unsigned char OSB_LIB::Asn1Byte |
typedef std::deque<Asn1Byte> OSB_LIB::Asn1Data |
typedef std::vector<TaxAmount> OSB_LIB::TaxAmountList |
typedef long OSB_LIB::TaxId |
Definition at line 106 of file appltaxes.h.
typedef std::map<TaxIdVs, Tax*> OSB_LIB::TaxList |
Definition at line 107 of file appltaxes.h.
typedef long OSB_LIB::TaxListId |
Definition at line 108 of file appltaxes.h.
typedef std::vector<TaxId> OSB_LIB::TaxIdList |
Definition at line 109 of file appltaxes.h.
typedef std::map<TaxListId, TaxIdList> OSB_LIB::TaxIdLists |
Definition at line 110 of file appltaxes.h.
typedef std::vector<TaxKey::Oid> OSB_LIB::TaxKeyIdList |
Definition at line 111 of file appltaxes.h.
typedef std::map<TaxkeyTriplet, TaxIdList*> OSB_LIB::TaxkeyTriplets |
Definition at line 112 of file appltaxes.h.
typedef std::vector<SubsCharge> OSB_LIB::SubsCharges |
typedef SubsCharges::iterator OSB_LIB::SubsChargesI |
typedef std::vector<AdvanceCharge> OSB_LIB::AdvanceCharges |
typedef std::vector<OnetimeCharge> OSB_LIB::OnetimeCharges |
typedef std::map<std::string, long> OSB_LIB::DirPathNumEntryRecord |
Container to keep track of the number of directory entries.
The key is the absolute directory path, while the value is the number of entries in the directory.
Definition at line 74 of file invoicedir.h.
typedef std::map<std::string, std::pair<std::string, Decimal> > OSB_LIB::ParaValue |
typedef std::vector<Usagerecord> OSB_LIB::UrContainer |
typedef std::map<std::string, Account> OSB_LIB::AccountList |
typedef std::vector<Transaction> OSB_LIB::TransactionList |
typedef std::vector<Address> OSB_LIB::AddressList |
typedef IdPeriod<long> OSB_LIB::TaxIdVs |
typedef std::map<TaxTraits::Oid, TaxTraits> OSB_LIB::TaxTraitsList |
typedef TaxTraitsList::iterator OSB_LIB::TaxTraitsListI |
typedef TaxTraitsList::const_iterator OSB_LIB::TaxTraitsListCI |
Definition at line 208 of file chargetraits.h.
typedef std::list<AssignableIp4> OSB_LIB::AssignableIp4s |
typedef std::map<Currency::Oid, Money> OSB_LIB::MoneyList |
typedef std::list<NetworkElement> OSB_LIB::NetworkElements |
typedef std::list<TrunkGroup> OSB_LIB::TrunkGroups |
typedef std::list<Network> OSB_LIB::Networks |
typedef std::map<std::string, Account> OSB_LIB::AccountList |
Definition at line 49 of file osblistmgr.h.
typedef std::list<PersProductNode> OSB_LIB::PersProductNodes |
typedef std::vector<PersPart> OSB_LIB::PersParts |
typedef std::list<PersProduct> OSB_LIB::PersProducts |
STL container to hold a list of personalized products.
Definition at line 1426 of file persproduct.h.
typedef std::vector<SubsFuncCfg*> OSB_LIB::SubsFuncCfgs |
List of subscription function configurations: the STL container must take pointers to support polymorphism.
Definition at line 206 of file pricelist.h.
typedef std::vector<Pricelist> OSB_LIB::Pricelists |
typedef std::vector<PricelistCfg> OSB_LIB::PricelistCfgs |
typedef std::list<ProductNode> OSB_LIB::ProductNodeParts |
typedef std::list<Product> OSB_LIB::Products |
typedef std::string OSB_LIB::ResourceNumber |
Representation of a resource number.
The format is specific to each concrete resource type.
Definition at line 94 of file resourcefwd.h.
typedef std::vector<std::string> OSB_LIB::Directories |
typedef std::vector<TimeZone> OSB_LIB::TimeZones |
typedef std::list<BackDatedObject> OSB_LIB::BackDatedObjects |
typedef std::vector<MoneyInfo> OSB_LIB::MoneyInfoList |
typedef std::vector<ChargeDetail> OSB_LIB::ChargeDetails |
typedef std::vector<UsedService> OSB_LIB::UsedServices |
typedef std::list<Udr*> OSB_LIB::UdrList |
typedef std::list<Cgi> OSB_LIB::Cgis |
typedef std::vector<CountryInfo> OSB_LIB::CountryInfos |
typedef std::list<E164> OSB_LIB::E164s |
typedef std::vector<Filter> OSB_LIB::Filters |
typedef std::vector<FilterExpr> OSB_LIB::FilterExprs |
typedef std::vector<FilterVersion> OSB_LIB::FilterVersions |
typedef std::list<RatedService> OSB_LIB::RatedServices |
typedef std::list<RecordSource> OSB_LIB::RecordSources |
typedef std::vector<ServiceElement> OSB_LIB::ServiceElements |
typedef std::list<ServiceClass> OSB_LIB::ServiceClasses |
typedef std::list<ScSystem> OSB_LIB::ScSystems |
typedef std::list<ScsVersion> OSB_LIB::ScsVersions |
typedef std::map<SumCdr01Key, SumCdr01> OSB_LIB::GroupedSumCdr01 |
typedef std::list<Tariff> OSB_LIB::Tariffs |
typedef std::map<Tariff::Oid, std::list<TfVersion> > OSB_LIB::TfVersions |
typedef std::list<TariffClass> OSB_LIB::TariffClasses |
typedef std::list<TcSystem> OSB_LIB::TcSystems |
typedef std::list<TcSystem::Oid> OSB_LIB::TcSystemOids |
typedef std::list<DayClass> OSB_LIB::DayClasses |
typedef std::list<SpecialDate> OSB_LIB::SpecialDates |
Store list of special dates into one type of variables.
Definition at line 489 of file tariffperiod.h.
typedef std::list<TariffPeriod> OSB_LIB::TariffPeriods |
typedef std::set<TariffPeriod::Oid> OSB_LIB::TpOidSet |
typedef std::list<TpSystem> OSB_LIB::TpSystems |
typedef std::list<TpsVersion> OSB_LIB::TpsVersions |
typedef std::list<TariffSystem> OSB_LIB::TariffSystems |
typedef std::map<ServiceClass::Oid, TcSystem::Oid> OSB_LIB::ScTcsCfg |
STL container to manage service class, tariff classification system configuration.
Definition at line 247 of file tariffsystem.h.
typedef std::map<TariffClass::Oid, TpSystem::Oid> OSB_LIB::TcTpsCfg |
STL container to manage tariff class, tariff period system configuration
Definition at line 253 of file tariffsystem.h.
typedef std::pair<TariffClass::Oid, TariffPeriod::Oid> OSB_LIB::TcTp |
typedef std::map<TcTp, Tariff::Oid> OSB_LIB::TcTpTariff |
STL container for tariff of a tariff class, tariff period tuple.
Definition at line 259 of file tariffsystem.h.
typedef std::list<TsVersion> OSB_LIB::TsVersions |
typedef std::list<TariffZone> OSB_LIB::TariffZones |
typedef std::list<TzConfig> OSB_LIB::TzConfigs |
enum OSB_LIB::Asn1TagId |
ASN.1 tag used for top-level ASN.1 records.
The type of the tag for all ASN.1 records is APPLICATION,
the records use PRIVATE tags for their members.
asn1Cdr | OSB Cdr. |
asn1RawCdr |
Raw CDR (as received from the network and elements).
Definition at line 53 of file asn1tagid.h.
enum OSB_LIB::TK_Types |
enum OSB_LIB::SectionType |
enum OSB_LIB::AccountType |
enum OSB_LIB::AddressType |
enum OSB_LIB::Weekday |
enum OSB_LIB::Month |
enum OSB_LIB::ModuleId |
Ids of OSB modules.
The values must match the entries in the table OSB_MODULES, additional entries may be present in the table.
mdUnknown | Unknown module. |
mdCollection | CDR collection, batch. |
mdConversion | CDR conversion, batch. |
mdAggregation | CDR aggregation, batch. |
mdCorrelation | CDR correlation, batch. |
mdRating | Rating, batch. |
mdBilling | Billing, batch. |
mdStorage | Storage of CDR, batch. |
mdNamingService | Naming service, batch. |
mdCaServer | Contract administration server, batch. |
mdOaServer | OSB administration server, batch. |
mdNaServer | Network administration server, batch. |
mdPaServer | Product administration server, batch. |
mdTariffAdmin | Tariff administration, GUI. |
mdOsbAdmin | OSB administration, GUI. |
mdContractAdmin | Contract administration, WEB. |
mdNetworkAdmin | Network administration, WEB. |
mdProductAdmin | Product administration, WEB. |
mdUserAdmin | User administration, WEB. |
mdReports | Reports, WEB. |
mdArAdmin | Accounts receivable, WEB. |
mdAll | All modules. |
Definition at line 66 of file osbconst.h.
Status of objects in the database tables.
The object status reflects the state of the objects in the database tables when the version in the database is compared with the version of the objects.
Definition at line 102 of file osbconst.h.
enum OSB_LIB::CfgStatus |
Configuration status for product and tariff system related objects.
Definition at line 120 of file osbconst.h.
enum OSB_LIB::ChargeType |
Charge type indicates if the original amount is gross or net.
Definition at line 165 of file osbconst.h.
Database id's of available subscription functions types: When a new type is added, the functions PricelistGw::fetchSubsFuncCfgs() (check 2 places!) and ChargeSubscription::mkSubsFunc() must be changed also.
Definition at line 114 of file pricelist.h.
Identification of the resource type.
For convenience the value of a resource type is the same as the related product item and personalized item.
rtUnknown | Unknown, illegal type. |
rtCallingCard | CallingCard. |
rtTrunkResource | TrunkResource. |
rtAccessNumber | AccessNumberResource. |
rtE164 | E164 number. |
rtIp4Address | IP 4 address. |
rtIpGroup | IP address group. |
rtImsi | GSM: ISMI. |
rtInTrunk | Incoming trunk group. |
rtOutTrunk | Outgoing trunk group. |
Definition at line 66 of file resourcefwd.h.
enum OSB_LIB::StatusValue |
Status of Associate, Contract, PersProudct and PersProductNode.
The enumeration values are defined in a way that allows easy verification if the status of a child is compatible with the status of its parent, see compatibleStatus().
Don't change the numeric values unless you have a comprehensive understanding of the consequences (library, CORBA and WEB)!
svNone | Undefined status: used when creating new entities or statusValue(char c) is called with an invalid code. |
svDeactivated | Deactivated status (database 'd'). |
svCreated | Entity is created (database 'c'). |
svInactive | Inactive status (database 'i'). |
svActive | Active status (database 'a'). |
enum OSB_LIB::TaxKeyType |
Types of tax key.
Tax keys are assigned to associates, contracts and product items. For each invoice item, the combination of these three taxation keys is evaluated to determine which set of taxes is applicable. The best match is determined using different priorities for matching individual taxation keys: associate tax key >= contract tax key >= product tax key.
enum OSB_LIB::CdrAsn1Tag |
Represents all OSB_Library::Cdr ASN.1 tags currently supported.
The type of all tag is PRIVATE.
The tag numbers are allocated as follows:
enum OSB_LIB::FilterType |
Filter Action.
This specifies the type of filter actions, which is used when evaluating the filter expression. If the given filter expression is matched with the given UsedService then the mapped FilterAction will be returned.
enum OSB_LIB::LockObjects |
Lock sequence for tariff system objects.
The sequence number determines the order in which tariff object groups are to be locked if it is needed for several groups (lowest number first).
lckTs | Lock Tariff system related tables. |
lckSc | Lock service classes related tables. |
lckTcs | Lock tariff classification system related tables. |
lckTp | Lock tarff period systems related tables. |
lckTf | Lock tariff related tables. |
Definition at line 90 of file tariffcatalogue.h.
enum OSB_LIB::TcsType |
Definition at line 76 of file tariffclass.h.
std::size_t OSB_LIB::asn1TagId | ( | Asn1TagId | tagId | ) |
Converts tag enum into ASN.1 tag value.
The given tag id is searched in a predefined list and the value is returned. In case the tag is not found the tagUnknown value is returned.
tagId | The type identifier of ASN.1 encoded data. |
Asn1TagId OSB_LIB::asn1TagId | ( | std::size_t | tagValue | ) |
Converts ASN.1 tag value into an ASN.1 tag.
tagValue | The ASN.1 tag value to be converted. |
std::ostream& OSB_LIB::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | , | |
const TaxAmount & | ||||
) |
Referenced by OSB_LIB::DefException::operator<<().
std::ostream& OSB_LIB::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | , | |
const BaseAmount & | ||||
) |
std::ostream& OSB_LIB::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | o, | |
const Tax & | t | |||
) | [inline] |
AddressType OSB_LIB::addressType | ( | unsigned | long | ) | [inline] |
long OSB_LIB::toLong | ( | AddressType | at | ) | [inline] |
const TaxTraits& OSB_LIB::getTaxTraits | ( | const TaxTraits::Oid & | id | ) |
Find a TaxTraits in the global TaxTraitsList by its id.
id | Object id of the tax traits to find. |
ObjectNotFound | if the the tax traits are not found. |
bool OSB_LIB::leapyear | ( | int | year | ) | [inline] |
int OSB_LIB::lastDay | ( | Month | , | |
int | year | |||
) | [inline] |
last day of a month
Definition at line 632 of file chrono.h.
References OSB_LIB::Date::daytab_, and leapyear().
Date& OSB_LIB::operator++ | ( | Date & | ) |
Prefix increment one day.
Date OSB_LIB::operator++ | ( | Date & | , | |
int | ||||
) |
Postfix increment one day.
Date& OSB_LIB::operator-- | ( | Date & | ) |
Prefix decrement one day.
Date OSB_LIB::operator-- | ( | Date & | , | |
int | ||||
) |
Postfix decrement one day.
Decimal OSB_LIB::operator * | ( | const Decimal & | , | |
const Decimal & | ||||
) | [inline] |
Decimal OSB_LIB::operator/ | ( | const Decimal & | , | |
const Decimal & | ||||
) | [inline] |
Decimal OSB_LIB::operator+ | ( | const Decimal & | , | |
const Decimal & | ||||
) | [inline] |
Decimal OSB_LIB::operator- | ( | const Decimal & | , | |
const Decimal & | ||||
) | [inline] |
std::ostream& OSB_LIB::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | , | |
const Decimal & | ||||
) |
bool OSB_LIB::operator== | ( | const Decimal & | d1, | |
const Decimal & | d2 | |||
) | [inline] |
bool OSB_LIB::operator!= | ( | const Decimal & | d1, | |
const Decimal & | d2 | |||
) | [inline] |
bool OSB_LIB::operator< | ( | const Decimal & | d1, | |
const Decimal & | d2 | |||
) | [inline] |
bool OSB_LIB::operator> | ( | const Decimal & | d1, | |
const Decimal & | d2 | |||
) | [inline] |
bool OSB_LIB::operator<= | ( | const Decimal & | d1, | |
const Decimal & | d2 | |||
) | [inline] |
bool OSB_LIB::operator>= | ( | const Decimal & | d1, | |
const Decimal & | d2 | |||
) | [inline] |
Fraction OSB_LIB::operator * | ( | const Fraction & | , | |
const Fraction & | ||||
) | [inline] |
Fraction OSB_LIB::operator/ | ( | const Fraction & | , | |
const Fraction & | ||||
) | [inline] |
Fraction OSB_LIB::operator+ | ( | const Fraction & | , | |
const Fraction & | ||||
) | [inline] |
Fraction OSB_LIB::operator- | ( | const Fraction & | , | |
const Fraction & | ||||
) | [inline] |
bool OSB_LIB::operator== | ( | const Fraction & | lhs, | |
const Fraction & | rhs | |||
) | [inline] |
Test for equality.
Definition at line 166 of file fraction.h.
References OSB_LIB::Fraction::denominator(), and OSB_LIB::Fraction::nominator().
bool OSB_LIB::operator!= | ( | const Fraction & | lhs, | |
const Fraction & | rhs | |||
) | [inline] |
std::ostream& OSB_LIB::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, | |
const Fraction & | f | |||
) |
Output operator for Fraction.
Writes Fraction::str() to os.
std::ostream& OSB_LIB::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, | |
const Currency & | c | |||
) |
Currency output operator.
void OSB_LIB::add | ( | MoneyList & | ml, | |
const Money & | m | |||
) |
Add money to a list of money.
void OSB_LIB::subtract | ( | MoneyList & | ml, | |
const Money & | m | |||
) |
Subtract money from a list of money.
Subtract a money list from a money list.
void OSB_LIB::convert | ( | Money & | , | |
Money & | ||||
) |
Convert money. Not yet implemented!
(Why is the second argument not the target currency?)
Money OSB_LIB::operator * | ( | const Money & | , | |
double | ||||
) | [inline] |
Money OSB_LIB::operator * | ( | const Money & | , | |
const Decimal & | ||||
) | [inline] |
Money OSB_LIB::operator/ | ( | const Money & | , | |
double | ||||
) | [inline] |
Money OSB_LIB::operator/ | ( | const Money & | , | |
const Decimal & | ||||
) | [inline] |
Money OSB_LIB::operator+ | ( | const Money & | , | |
const Money & | ||||
) | [inline] |
Money OSB_LIB::operator- | ( | const Money & | , | |
const Money & | ||||
) | [inline] |
bool OSB_LIB::operator== | ( | const Money & | , | |
const Money & | ||||
) |
bool OSB_LIB::operator!= | ( | const Money & | , | |
const Money & | ||||
) |
bool OSB_LIB::operator< | ( | const Money & | , | |
const Money & | ||||
) |
Less than operator.
bool OSB_LIB::operator> | ( | const Money & | , | |
const Money & | ||||
) |
Greater than operator.
bool OSB_LIB::operator<= | ( | const Money & | , | |
const Money & | ||||
) |
Less or equal operator.
bool OSB_LIB::operator>= | ( | const Money & | , | |
const Money & | ||||
) |
Greater or equal operator.
std::ostream& OSB_LIB::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | out, | |
const Money & | m | |||
) |
Money output operator.
int OSB_LIB::pwCrypt | ( | const std::string & | src, | |
std::string & | dest | |||
) |
Encrypt an ASCII sentence.
src | String to encrypt. | |
dest | Gets the encrypted string: each byte as 2 hex digits. |
int OSB_LIB::pwDecrypt | ( | const std::string & | src, | |
std::string & | dest | |||
) |
Decrypt an ASCII sentence.
src | String to decrypt: it contains each byte as 2 hex digits. | |
dest | Gets the decrypted string. |
int OSB_LIB::osbCrypt | ( | const std::string & | src, | |
std::string & | dest | |||
) |
Encrypt bytes with Block TEA algorithm.
src | Bytes to encode. | |
dest | Gets the encrypted bytes. |
int OSB_LIB::osbDecrypt | ( | const std::string & | src, | |
std::string & | dest | |||
) |
Decrypt bytes with Block TEA algorithm.
src | Bytes to decode. | |
dest | Gets the decrypted bytes. |
char OSB_LIB::toChar | ( | CfgStatus | cs | ) |
Convert a CfgStatus into a character.
cs | Configuration status to convert. |
OsbException | 23 in case of an illegal status. |
CfgStatus OSB_LIB::cfgStatus | ( | char | s | ) |
Convert a character into a CfgStatus.
s | Character to convert. |
char OSB_LIB::toChar | ( | ChargeType | ct | ) |
Convert ChargeType to one character database code.
ct | The charge type to convert. |
ChargeType OSB_LIB::toChargeType | ( | char | c | ) |
Convert one character database code to a charge type.
c | Character to convert. |
std::string OSB_LIB::dirName | ( | const std::string & | path | ) |
Get the directory component of a path.
std::string OSB_LIB::baseName | ( | const std::string & | path | ) |
Get the filename component of a path.
int OSB_LIB::mkDir | ( | const std::string & | path, | |
bool | mkParents = false | |||
) |
Create a directory.
path | Directory to create. | |
mkParents | Flag to create missing parent directories. |
man 2 mkdir
).If mkParents is set parent directories are created as needed via a recursive function calls.
bool OSB_LIB::fileExists | ( | const std::string & | path, | |
bool | ct = false | |||
) |
Test if a file exists.
path | Name of file to verify. | |
ct | Flag to check if path is a regular file. |
man 2 stat
), errno is left unchanged in case of an error. bool OSB_LIB::dirExists | ( | const std::string & | path, | |
bool | ct = false | |||
) |
Test if a directory exists.
path | Name of directory to verify. | |
ct | Flag to check if path is a directory. |
man 2 stat
), errno is left unchanged in case of an error. bool OSB_LIB::openStream | ( | std::fstream & | stream, | |
const std::string & | path, | |||
std::ios_base::openmode | openMode | |||
) |
Open the an output stream.
stream | File stream to open. | |
path | Path to the file. | |
openMode | Opening mode for f. |
int OSB_LIB::fileOpenError | ( | const std::string & | path, | |
const std::string & | mode | |||
) |
Determine the error when opening a file.
path | Path to the file. | |
mode | Opening mode of the file. |
If the function deletes the file path if it was created by the function.
std::ostream& OSB_LIB::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | o, | |
Id< T > | id | |||
) |
std::ostream& OSB_LIB::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | o, | |
Id2< I > | id | |||
) |
std::ostream& OSB_LIB::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, | |
const TypeId< T, ST > & | t | |||
) | [inline] |
Output operator for TypeId.
Definition at line 223 of file osbtype.h.
References OSB_LIB::TypeId< T, ST >::toLong().
std::ostream& OSB_LIB::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | o, | |
IdPeriod< I > | Id | |||
) |
bool OSB_LIB::operator== | ( | const OnetimeChargeDef::Oid & | id, | |
const OnetimeChargeDef & | rhs | |||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 639 of file pricelist.h.
bool OSB_LIB::operator< | ( | const OnetimeChargeDef::Oid & | id, | |
const OnetimeChargeDef & | rhs | |||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 645 of file pricelist.h.
std::ostream& OSB_LIB::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | o, | |
const ProductItem & | pi | |||
) |
Output operator for ProductItem: calls prInfo().
ResourceType OSB_LIB::mkResType | ( | long | rt | ) |
Convert a long into a resource type id.
rt | Value to convert. |
long OSB_LIB::toLong | ( | ResourceType | rt | ) |
Convert a resource type id into a long.
rt | Resource type to convert. |
char OSB_LIB::toChar | ( | StatusValue | sv | ) |
Convert a status value into 1-character database code.
sv | The status value to convert. |
OsbException | if sv is invalid. |
char OSB_LIB::toChar | ( | const Status & | s | ) |
Convert a status to one character database code.
s | The status containing the status value to convert. |
OsbException | if s contains an invalid status value. |
StatusValue OSB_LIB::statusValue | ( | char | c | ) |
Convert one character database code to a status value.
c | character to convert. |
std::ostream& OSB_LIB::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | o, | |
StatusValue | sv | |||
) |
Visible description of a StatusValue.
o | Stream to write to. | |
sv | StatusValue to write. |
bool OSB_LIB::compatibleStatus | ( | StatusValue | parent, | |
StatusValue | child | |||
) |
Check if the status of child is compatible with its parent.
The status value of a child is compatible with its parent if
status(child) <= status(parent)
StatusValue OSB_LIB::mkChildStatus | ( | StatusValue | parentEffStatus, | |
StatusValue | childPrefStatus | |||
) |
Create child status value that is compatible with parent.
parentEffStatus | The effective status value of the parent. | |
childPrefStatus | The preferred status value of the child. |
Referenced by OSB_LIB::StatusChange::adjustNewStatus().
bool OSB_LIB::allowed | ( | StatusValue | from, | |
StatusValue | to | |||
) |
Check if a status transition is allowed.
The function checks if a status transition conforms with the OSB defined rules:
As can be seen from the function signature, the reason for the status change is not validated by this function.
from | Old status value of the entity. | |
to | New status value of the entity. |
std::ostream& OSB_LIB::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, | |
const Status & | s | |||
) |
Output operator for Status.
The operator is just a wrapper to Status::write(...).
os | ostream to write to. | |
s | Status to write. |
std::ostream& OSB_LIB::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, | |
const StatusChange & | sc | |||
) |
Output operator for StatusChange.
The operator is just a wrapper to StatusChange::write(...).
os | ostream to write to. | |
sc | StatusChange to write. |
void OSB_LIB::ltrim | ( | std::string & | s, | |
const std::string & | d = posixWs | |||
) |
Remove leading delimiters from a string.
s | String to trim. | |
d | String with delimiters to remove. |
void OSB_LIB::rtrim | ( | std::string & | s, | |
const std::string & | d = posixWs | |||
) |
Remove trailing delimiters from a string.
s | String to trim. | |
d | String with delimiters to remove. |
void OSB_LIB::trim | ( | std::string & | s, | |
const std::string & | d = posixWs | |||
) |
Remove leading and trailing delimiters from a string.
s | String to trim. | |
d | String with delimiters to remove. |
bool OSB_LIB::endsWith | ( | const std::string & | str, | |
const std::string & | what | |||
) |
Compare the end of string.
str | String to compare. | |
what | String for which to test str. |
std::string OSB_LIB::lstrip | ( | const std::string & | from, | |
const std::string & | what | |||
) |
Conditionally remove the beginning of a string.
from | String from which to remove. | |
what | String to remove. |
std::string OSB_LIB::rstrip | ( | const std::string & | from, | |
const std::string & | what | |||
) |
Conditionally remove the end of a string.
from | String from which to remove. | |
what | String to remove. |
void OSB_LIB::escapeChars | ( | std::string & | str, | |
const char | esc, | |||
size_t | maxLen | |||
) |
Create an Oracle search string.
str | The string to process. | |
esc | The escape character to use. | |
maxLen | Max. length of created string. |
bool OSB_LIB::decDigitsOnly | ( | const std::string & | s | ) |
Check if a string consists of decimal digits only.
s | String to check. |
bool OSB_LIB::hexDigitsOnly | ( | const std::string & | s | ) |
Check if a string consists of hexadecimal digits only.
s | String to check. |
void OSB_LIB::tokenize | ( | Cont & | dest, | |
const std::string & | src, | |||
const std::string & | del, | |||
bool | takeEmpty = false | |||
) |
Tokenize a string by delimiter characters.
Parses a string that consists of tokens and delimiter characters without modifying the original.
dest | STL-container that gets the tokens. | |
src | String to parse. | |
del | String with delimiter characters. | |
takeEmpty | Flag to put empty string into dest. |
Definition at line 516 of file stringutil.h.
Referenced by tokenize().
void OSB_LIB::tokenize | ( | Cont & | dest, | |
const std::string & | src | |||
) | [inline] |
Tokenize a string by POSIX white-space characters.
dest | STL-container that gets the tokens. | |
src | String to parse. |
Definition at line 558 of file stringutil.h.
References posixWs, and tokenize().
void OSB_LIB::stringTokenize | ( | Cont & | dest, | |
const std::string & | src, | |||
const std::string & | del, | |||
bool | takeEmpty = true | |||
) |
Tokenize a string by a delimiter string.
dest | STL-container that gets the tokens. | |
src | String to parse. | |
del | Delimiter string. | |
takeEmpty | Flag to put empty string into dest. |
Two consecutive delimiter strings result in an empty token; similar a delimiter string at the begin or end of src leads to an empty token. takeEmpty can be used to suppress this behaviour.
Definition at line 567 of file stringutil.h.
bool OSB_LIB::ston | ( | T * | dest, | |
const std::string & | src, | |||
std::string * | reminder = 0 | |||
) |
Convert string to number.
dest | Gets the result. | |
src | String to convert. | |
reminder | If not 0: gets unconverted characters if the conversion is not successful. |
Definition at line 607 of file stringutil.h.
std::string OSB_LIB::mkStr | ( | const T & | src | ) |
General purpose conversion to std::string.
src | What to convert. |
Definition at line 649 of file stringutil.h.
char OSB_LIB::toChar | ( | TaxKeyType | tkt | ) |
Convert TaxKeyType to one character database code.
tkt | Tax key type to convert. |
TaxKeyType OSB_LIB::toTaxKeyType | ( | char | c | ) |
Convert one character database code to a TaxKeyType.
c | Character to convert. |
std::auto_ptr<CdrIo> OSB_LIB::makeCdrIo | ( | const Id< BsPage > & | pageId | ) |
std::size_t OSB_LIB::cdrAsn1Tag | ( | CdrAsn1Tag | cdrTag | ) |
Get value of Cdr specific ASN.1 tag from enum.
cdrTag | The type identifier of ASN.1 encoded data. |
CdrAsn1Tag OSB_LIB::cdrAsn1Tag | ( | std::size_t | tagValue | ) |
Get enum from Cdr specific ASN.1 tag value.
tagValue | The ASN.1 tag value to be converted. |
ResourceType OSB_LIB::resourceType | ( | std::size_t | tagValue | ) |
Convert ASN.1 tag id into resource type.
tagValue | ASN.1 tag value to convert. |
CdrAsn1Tag OSB_LIB::cdrAsn1Tag | ( | ResourceType | type | ) |
Convert resource type into a Cdr ASN.1 tag.
type | Resource type to convert. |
void OSB_LIB::groupSumCdr01 | ( | const SumCdrList & | source, | |
GroupedSumCdr01 & | target | |||
) |
bool OSB_LIB::greaterToReleaseTsRef | ( | const ToCfgTsBase & | lhs, | |
const ToCfgTsBase & | rhs | |||
) |
Compare tariff objects by descending release timestamp.
bool OSB_LIB::greaterToReleaseTsPtr | ( | const ToCfgTsBase * | lhs, | |
const ToCfgTsBase * | rhs | |||
) |
Compare tariff objects by descending release timestamp.
const long OSB_LIB::TK_WILDCARD = 0 |
Match all tax key.
Definition at line 73 of file appltaxes.h.
const char OSB_LIB::tk_type[] = { 'a', 'c', 'p' } |
const int OSB_LIB::DIR_MOD = 0777 |
const unsigned int OSB_LIB::MAX_NAME = 63 |
const unsigned int OSB_LIB::MAX_DES = 255 |
const long OSB_LIB::ID_NOT_SET = 0 |
Value if an object identifier or part of it is not set.
Definition at line 56 of file osbconst.h.
Referenced by OSB_LIB::Id2< OSB_LIB::PersProductNode >::id1Set(), OSB_LIB::Id2< OSB_LIB::PersProductNode >::id2Set(), OSB_LIB::Id2< OSB_LIB::PersProductNode >::isSet(), OSB_LIB::IdPeriod< I >::notSet(), OSB_LIB::IdDate< I >::notSet(), OSB_LIB::Id< OSB_LIB::Contract >::notSet(), OSB_DB::OtlId2::nvl(), OSB_DB::OtlId::nvl(), and OSB_DB::OtlId2::OtlId2().
Global object of FailPoint.
const std::string OSB_LIB::posixWs |