OSB_DB::AccountArGw Class Reference

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Database Gateway to access data of AR.

Definition at line 59 of file accountar-gw.h.

Public Member Functions

Private Member Functions

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

OSB_DB::AccountArGw::AccountArGw ( const AccountArGw rhs  )  [private]

Prevent copying: Copy constructor not implemented.

OSB_DB::AccountArGw::AccountArGw (  )  [inline]

Default constructor.

Definition at line 66 of file accountar-gw.h.

Member Function Documentation

void OSB_DB::AccountArGw::fetchBalance ( const Session session,
const OSB_LIB::Associate associate,
const OSB_LIB::DateTime ts,
OSB_LIB::MoneyList dest 

Get the balance for an associate at a given date.

session Database session to use.
associate Associate for who to get the balance.
ts Date and time of balance, transactions with a timestamp of ts are not included.
dest List to populate.
The function reads all transactions of the associate from the sales ledger with a transaction date before ts. An amount that is 0 and that has no currency, is ignored.

long OSB_DB::AccountArGw::fetchDuedays ( const Session session,
const OSB_LIB::Associate associate 

Load the due days.

This function will load the due days from AR based on a specific associate.

session Session
associate Associate
Due days
OsbException in case of
  • can not get the due days from AR
  • database error.

long OSB_DB::AccountArGw::fetchTransactions ( OSB_LIB::TransactionList transactions,
const Session session,
const OSB_LIB::Associate associate,
const OSB_LIB::DateTime start,
const OSB_LIB::DateTime end 

Load the payment transactions.

This function will load the payment transactions from AR to the transaction list for a given associate and the period of time.

transactions TransactionList to be populated
session Session
associate Associate
start Last bill date and time
end This bill date and time
The number of transactions populated.
OsbException in case of database error.

AccountArGw& OSB_DB::AccountArGw::operator= ( const AccountArGw rhs  )  [private]

Prevent assignment: Assignment not implemented.

bool OSB_DB::AccountArGw::updateInvoice ( const Session session,
const OSB_LIB::Associate associate,
const OSB_LIB::Contract contract,
const OSB_LIB::InvoiceInfo invInfo 

Update the invoice transaction for AR.

session Session
associate Associate
contract Contract
invInfo Invoice information
True if success, else false.
OsbException in case of database error.

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Generated on Sat Sep 2 14:08:52 2006 for OSB Library by  doxygen 1.4.7