OSB Library Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
OSB_GUI::AdminCtrlGenerator of an administration widget
OSB_GUI::AdminWidgetInterface of an OSB administration widget
OSB_GUI::Asn1BrowserWidget to browse ASN.1 records
OSB_GUI::Asn1BrowserCfgOptions for ASN.1 browsing
OSB_GUI::Asn1BrowserCtrlListbox item to create an ASN.1 browser window
OSB_GUI::Asn1ItemListview item to display ASN.1 data
OSB_GUI::BarChartDisplay a bar chart
OSB_GUI::BarChart::BarData for one bar in a BarChart
OSB_GUI::BarChart::RulerRuler for BarChart
OSB_GUI::BarChartInfoScaling information for a BarChart
OSB_GUI::CmbChargeTypeCombobox for charge type
OSB_GUI::CmbCpmCombobox for CP mapper types
OSB_GUI::CmbCurrencyCombobox for currencies
OSB_GUI::CmbGlAccountCombobox for GL accounts
OSB_GUI::CmbNetworkCombobox to select a network
OSB_GUI::CmbNwElementCombobox to select a network element
OSB_GUI::CmbOsbModuleCombobox to select an OSB module
OSB_GUI::CmbRecordSourceCombobox to select a stream status
OSB_GUI::CmbRfTypeCombobox for rating function types
OSB_GUI::CmbRoundRuleCombobox for round rules
OSB_GUI::CmbRpEvalCombobox to select a rated party evaluator
OSB_GUI::CmbRpTypeCombobox to select a rateable party
OSB_GUI::CmbStreamStatusCombobox to select a stream status
OSB_GUI::CmbTariffSystemCombobox to select a OSB_LIB::TariffSystem
OSB_GUI::CmbTaxKeyCombobox for taxation keys
OSB_GUI::CmbTcsVersionCombobox to select a OSB_LIB::TcsVersion
OSB_GUI::CmbTcSystemCombobox for distance TC systems
OSB_GUI::CmbTonCombobox for type of numbers
OSB_GUI::CmbTsVersionCombobox to select a OSB_LIB::TsVersion
OSB_GUI::CmbUnitsCombobox for units
OSB_GUI::CmbUsageTypeCombobox to select a usage type
OSB_GUI::CmbUserGroupCombobox to select an OSB user group
OSB_GUI::CpItemList view item for a connection point
OSB_GUI::CpListList of connection points
OSB_GUI::CpStatusProxyHelper class to change the status and release date of a OSB_LIB::ConnectionPoint
OSB_GUI::DateEditWidget to edit a date
OSB_GUI::DateSelectDate selection widget
OSB_GUI::DcInfoWidget to show the switch times for one day class
OSB_GUI::DcInfoGroupMaintain the configuration of a TPS version
OSB_GUI::DcInfoTicksHour ticks for switch times
OSB_GUI::DcInfoToggleToggable QLabel for day class name and id
OSB_GUI::DcItemDay class as list item
OSB_GUI::DcListList of day classes
OSB_GUI::DcMenuMenu to select a day class
OSB_GUI::DcStatusProxyHelper class to change the status of a OSB_LIB::DayClass in the tariff catalogue
OSB_GUI::DistTcsCfgWidget to show and configure a distance TCS
OSB_GUI::DistTcsCfg::TcItemListview item for the name and object id of a tariff class
OSB_GUI::DistTcsCfg::TzItemListview item for the name and object id of a tariff zone
OSB_GUI::DlgAccessRightDialog to create or configure an access right
OSB_GUI::DlgAsn1CfgDialog for options to save ASN.1 tag definitions
OSB_GUI::DlgBaseStandard OSB dialog with OK and Cancel push buttons
OSB_GUI::DlgCpDialog to show and configure a connection point
OSB_GUI::DlgDcDialog to show the configuration of a day class
OSB_GUI::DlgDistTcsDialog to configure a distance TCS
OSB_GUI::DlgE164Dialog to show and configure a E164 number
OSB_GUI::DlgErrorsDialog to display a list of OSB errors
OSB_GUI::DlgGotoDialog to select an tariff object id
OSB_GUI::DlgLoginDialog to login into a OSB GUI application
OSB_GUI::DlgMappingTcsDialog to show and configure a mapping TCS
OSB_GUI::DlgRfBaseBase for dialogs to show and edit rating functions
OSB_GUI::DlgRfCreateDialog to create a rating function
OSB_GUI::DlgRfScDialog to configure a OSB_LIB::RfStairCase
OSB_GUI::DlgRfSlotDialog to configure a OSB_LIB::RfSlot
OSB_GUI::DlgRfTestDialog to test a rating function
OSB_GUI::DlgRpConfigDialog to create a rated party evaluator
OSB_GUI::DlgRpTypeDialog to maintain rateable parties
OSB_GUI::DlgRsDialog to show and configure a OSB_LIB::RatedService
OSB_GUI::DlgScsSelectDialog to select a OSB_LIB::ScSystem
OSB_GUI::DlgScsVsDialog to show and configure a service class system version
OSB_GUI::DlgSdQt dialog to show or edit a special date
OSB_GUI::DlgStatusDialog to change the status
OSB_GUI::DlgStatusRdDialog to change the configuration status and release date
OSB_GUI::DlgStreamFilterDialog to set the filter of OSB_LIB::RecordStreams
OSB_GUI::DlgStreamInfoDialog to display record stream information
OSB_GUI::DlgTcsDialog to create, show and edit a TCS (Tariff Classification System)
OSB_GUI::DlgTcsSelectDialog to select a OSB_LIB::TcSystem
OSB_GUI::DlgTcsVsInterface for dialogs that show and configure a OSB_LIB::TcsVersion
OSB_GUI::DlgTcsVsCopyDialog to copy the configuration of a OSB_LIB::TcsVersion
OSB_GUI::DlgTfSelectDialog to select a OSB_LIB::Tariff
OSB_GUI::DlgTfVsDialog to show and configure a OSB_LIB::TfVersion
OSB_GUI::DlgToDialog to show and edit a tariff object
OSB_GUI::DlgToVsBase dialog to show and configure a OSB_LIB::ToVersion
OSB_GUI::DlgTpQt dialog to show or edit a tariff period
OSB_GUI::DlgTpsSelectDialog to select a OSB_LIB::TpSystem
OSB_GUI::DlgTpsVsDialog to show and edit the configuration of a TPS version
OSB_GUI::DlgTsVsDialog to show or configure a OSB_LIB::TsVersion
OSB_GUI::DlgTsVsCopyDialog to create a copy of a OSB_LIB::TsVersion
OSB_GUI::DlgTzDialog to show and configure a tariff zone
OSB_GUI::DlgTzCfgDialog to show and edit a configuration of a tariff zone
OSB_GUI::DlgUsrGrpDialog to display, create or edit an OSB user group
OSB_GUI::E164ItemList view item for a OSB_LIB::E164
OSB_GUI::E164ListList of E.164 numbers
OSB_GUI::E164StatusProxyHelper class to change the status and release date of a OSB_LIB::E164
OSB_GUI::FocusOutComboCombo box that emits a signal when the focus is lost
OSB_GUI::FrmOaMain window for OSB administration
OSB_GUI::FrmTaMain window for tariff administration
OSB_GUI::GroupBoxStatusGroup box to set configuration status
OSB_GUI::GroupItemList view item with optional fixed position
OSB_GUI::GrpAccessItemListview item to display an acccess right
OSB_GUI::InvMgmtCtrlListbox item to create inventory management window
OSB_GUI::InvMgmtWidgetWidget for inventory management
OSB_GUI::LeComboLine edit displaying a (shared) combo box if it has the focus
OSB_GUI::LeConnectionPtLineedit to select a connection point
OSB_GUI::LeDecimalQLineEdit for OSB_LIB::Decimal
OSB_GUI::LeFixedWidthLine edit whose width fits its text
OSB_GUI::LeIdClass for all Id/Id2 line edits
OSB_GUI::LePopupLineedit that displays a Popup when it gets the focus
OSB_GUI::LeServiceElementLineedit to select a service element
OSB_GUI::LeValueCombo< Value >Line edit whose content is identified by a value
OSB_GUI::LvAsn1Listview to display ASN.1 data
OSB_GUI::LvCpSelectListview to select a connection point
OSB_GUI::LvCpSelect::ItemListview item for LvCpSelect
OSB_GUI::LvGrpAccessListview to display the access rights of a user group
OSB_GUI::LvModAccessListview to display the access rights of a module
OSB_GUI::LvRatingCfgList view to display the rating configuration
OSB_GUI::LvRecordStreamListview for record streams
OSB_GUI::LvScSystemListView to select a OSB_LIB::ScSystem
OSB_GUI::LvScSystem::ItemListview item for LvScSystem
OSB_GUI::LvServiceTreeListview to show the tree of OSB_LIB::ServiceElement
OSB_GUI::LvServiceTree::ItemListview item for a service element
OSB_GUI::LvTariffListView to select a OSB_LIB::Tariff
OSB_GUI::LvTariff::ItemListview item for LvTariff
OSB_GUI::LvTcSystemListView to select a OSB_LIB::TcSystem
OSB_GUI::LvTcSystem::ItemListview item for LvTcSystem
OSB_GUI::LvTpSystemListView to select a OSB_LIB::TpSystem
OSB_GUI::LvTpSystem::ItemListview item for LvTpSystem
OSB_GUI::LvTsScCfgListview to show/edit the SC configuration of a OSB_LIB::TsVersion
OSB_GUI::LvTsScCfg::ItemListview item for the SC configuration of a OSB_LIB::TsVersion
OSB_GUI::LvTsTcCfgListview to show/edit the TC configuration of a OSB_LIB::TsVersion
OSB_GUI::LvTsTcCfg::ItemListview item for the TC configuration of a OSB_LIB::TsVersion
OSB_GUI::LvTsTfCfgListview to show/edit the tariff configuration of a OSB_LIB::TsVersion
OSB_GUI::LvTsTfCfg::ItemListview item for the TC configuration of a OSB_LIB::TsVersion
OSB_GUI::LvTzConfigList view for the configuration of one tariff zone
OSB_GUI::LvUsrGroupsList view to display the OSB user groups
OSB_GUI::ModAccessItemListview item to display a module acccess right
OSB_GUI::MonthDaysQt widget to display all days of a month
OSB_GUI::MonthSpinSpinbox to select a month
OSB_GUI::OaAccessUtility class to control access to OSB amdin
OaGlobalsPurely static class for OSB administation globals
OSB_GUI::OsbSplashGeneral purpose splash screen
OSB_GUI::PopupGeneral purpose pop-up widget
OSB_GUI::PopupMoverUtility class to move a widget into the top-level window
OSB_GUI::PrivAdminCtrlListbox item to create a privilege administration window
OSB_GUI::PrivAdminDataData needed for access right administration
OSB_GUI::PrivAdminWidgetMain widget for privilege administration
OSB_GUI::RangeLineEdit< T, Limits >QLineEdit with range check
OSB_GUI::RangeValidator< T, Limits >Template to validate user input in QLineEdit objects
OSB_GUI::RatingCfgAdminAdminstration console for the evaluation of rated parties
OSB_GUI::RatingCfgCtrlListbox item to create a rating configuration window
OSB_GUI::RecCountsWidget to display the call accounting for one record stream or module
OSB_GUI::RecCountsAdminAdminstration widget for call accounting results
OSB_GUI::RecCountsCtrlListbox item to create a call accounting result window
OSB_GUI::RecCountViewWidget to display the call accounting for a list of record streams
OSB_GUI::RecordStreamAdminWidget to maintain the record streams
OSB_GUI::RecordStreamItemListview item for a record stream
OSB_GUI::RfItemRating function listview item
OSB_GUI::RfListList of rating functions as listview item
OSB_GUI::RfScChargesWidget to configure charges for a OSB_LIB::RfStairCase
OSB_GUI::RfScCharges::ChargeStructure to hold one charge sequence of OSB_LIB::RfStairCase
OSB_GUI::RfSlotChargesTabwidget for OSB_LIB::RfSlot charges
OSB_GUI::RfSlotCharges::ChargeStructure to hold one charge interval for OSB_LIB::RfSlot
OSB_GUI::RfStatusProxyHelper class to change the status of a rating function in the tariff catalogue
OSB_GUI::RpConfigBaseBase class for the configuration of rated party evaluator
OSB_GUI::RpConfigDataGeneral data needed for rating configuration
OSB_GUI::RpEvalItemListview item to display a rating configuration
OSB_GUI::RsItemListview item for a rated service
OSB_GUI::RsListList of rated services
OSB_GUI::RsStatusMenuItemMenu item to select a record stream status
OSB_GUI::ScItemListview item for service class
OSB_GUI::ScListList of service classes
OSB_GUI::ScsConfigWidget to show and edit the configuration of SCS version
OSB_GUI::ScsConfig::RsItemListview item for the name and object id of a rated service
OSB_GUI::ScsConfig::ScItemListview item for the name and object id of a service class
OSB_GUI::ScsItemService class system item
OSB_GUI::ScsListList of service class systems
OSB_GUI::ScsVsItemService class system version item
OSB_GUI::ScsVsStatusProxyHelper class to change the status and release date of a OSB_LIB::ScsVersion
OSB_GUI::SdItemListview item for special dates
OSB_GUI::SdListList of special dates
OSB_GUI::SelectCpPopup widget to select a connection point
OSB_GUI::SelectSePop-up widget to select a service element
OSB_GUI::StMenuMenu to handle switch times
OSB_GUI::StreamAdminCtrlListbox item to create a record stream administration window
OSB_GUI::StreamCaWidgetWidget to display the call accounting of one record stream
OSB_GUI::StreamDataCommon data about record streams
OSB_GUI::StreamStatusPopupPopup widget to select a record stream status
OSB_GUI::SwitchTimeCmdStructure for actions on switch times
OSB_GUI::SwitchTimeEventInformation about a switch time selected with the mouse
OSB_GUI::SwitchTimeInfoGroup box the show and edit the switch times
OSB_GUI::TaOptionsPurely static class for OSB administation options
OSB_GUI::TcatReadTrackerDisplay read progress of tariff catalogue
OSB_GUI::TcItemList item for tariff class
OSB_GUI::TcListList of tariff classes
OSB_GUI::TcsItemList item for tariff classification system
OSB_GUI::TcsListList of tariff classification systems
OSB_GUI::TcsMappingShow or edit the configuration of a mapping TCS
OSB_GUI::TcsMapping::RowStructure to hold one mapping definition
OSB_GUI::TcsVsItemList item for TCS version
OSB_GUI::TcsVsStatusProxyHelper class to change the status and release date of a OSB_LIB::TcsVersion
OSB_GUI::TfItemTariff listview item
OSB_GUI::TfListList of tariffs as listview item
OSB_GUI::TfRfItemList view item for the link TF version and rating function
OSB_GUI::TfVsItemTariff version listview item
OSB_GUI::TfVsRfWidget to show and configure the rating functions of OSB_LIB::TfVersion
OSB_GUI::TfVsStatusProxyHelper class to change the status and release date of a OSB_LIB::TfVersion
OSB_GUI::ToCfgItemListview item for tariff objects with status
OSB_GUI::ToCfgStatusProxyProxy class to update or to change the status of a OSB_LIB::ToCfgBase in the tariff catalogue
OSB_GUI::ToCfgTsItemAbstract base for all tariff object version items
OSB_GUI::ToCfgTsStatusProxyProxy class to update or to change the status of a OSB_LIB::ToCfgTsBase in the tariff catalogue
OSB_GUI::ToGroupAbstract base for groups of tariff objects
OSB_GUI::ToGroupItemList view item for tariff objects with versions
OSB_GUI::ToItemAbstract base for all tariff object items
OSB_GUI::ToListItemBase class for all list items of tariff objects
OSB_GUI::ToMenuMenu to maintain tariff objects
OSB_GUI::ToMenuCmdStructure for possible commands to tariff objects
OSB_GUI::ToVsHeadWidget to display general information about a OSB_LIB::ToVersion
OSB_GUI::ToVsItemAbstract base for all tariff version object items
OSB_GUI::TpColorShow the color of a tariff period
OSB_GUI::TpInfoGroupGroup box for tariff period information
OSB_GUI::TpInfoToggleToggable QFrame for tariff period name and id
OSB_GUI::TpItemTariff period list view item
OSB_GUI::TpListList of tariff periods
OSB_GUI::TpMenuMenu to select a tariff period
OSB_GUI::TpsCfgWidget to show/configure a TPS version
OSB_GUI::TpsItemTariff period system list view item
OSB_GUI::TpsListList of tariff period systems
OSB_GUI::TpsVsItemTariff period system version as list item
OSB_GUI::TpsVsStatusProxyHelper class to change the status and release date of a OSB_LIB::TpsVersion
OSB_GUI::TsItemTariff system list item
OSB_GUI::TsListList of tariff systems
OSB_GUI::TsScCfgWidget to show or edit the service class configuration of a OSB_LIB::TsVersion
OSB_GUI::TsTcCfgWidget to show or edit the tariff class configuration of a OSB_LIB::TsVersion
OSB_GUI::TsTfCfgWidget to show or edit the tariff configuration of a OSB_LIB::TsVersion
OSB_GUI::TsVsCfgWidget to show and configure OSB_LIB::TsVersion
OSB_GUI::TsVsGeneralWidget to show general information about a OSB_LIB::TsVersion
OSB_GUI::TsVsItemTariff system version as list item
OSB_GUI::TsVsStatusProxyHelper class to change the status and release date of a OSB_LIB::TsVersion
OSB_GUI::TzCfgStatusProxyHelper class to change the status and release date of a OSB_LIB::TzConfig
OSB_GUI::TzConfigItemList view item for a tariff zone configuration
OSB_GUI::TzItemList view item for a tariff zone
OSB_GUI::TzListList of tariff zones
OSB_GUI::UsrGroupItemListview item to display a user group
OSB_GUI::ValueCombo< Value >Template for combo boxes
OSB_GUI::WdgtGrpAccessWidget to maintain the access rights of a user group
OSB_GUI::WdgtModAccessWidget to maintain the access rights of a module
OSB_GUI::WdgtUsrGroupsWidget to display and edit OSB user groups

Generated on Sat Sep 2 14:17:37 2006 for OSB Library by  doxygen 1.4.7